Dan Barbasch教授受邀做天元名家讲堂
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2024年7月20日,应国家天元数学东南中心与厦门大学数学科学学院邀请,美国康奈尔大学Dan Barbasch教授为我院师生做了题为《Dirac cohomology for complex reductive groups》的学术报告。天元数学东南中心执行委员会主任、厦门大学数学科学学院院长谭绍滨教授为专家颁发东南中心名家讲堂纪念牌。
本次讲座中,Dan Barbasch教授首先介绍了Dirac上同调的概念,这个概念能给出约化群酉表示的重要信息。接着介绍了自己与Pandzic早年提出的一个猜想,该猜想旨在对具有非平凡Dirac上同调的复约化群的酉表示进行分类。本次报告还回顾了这一领域的背景和前期工作,并重点介绍了Barbasch教授与Daniel Wong合作完成的这项分类工作。
讲座结束后,Dan Barbasch教授与参加讲座的师生们展开了热烈的讨论,并一一耐心地解答了师生们提出的问题。
专家个人简介:Dan Barbasch received his PhD under the supervision of Ranga Rao at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 1976. He has been a C.L.E. Moore instructor at MIT, a fellow at IAS, held positions at Rutgers and Cornell, and has held many visiting positions around the world. He was an invited speaker of the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1990. His main research has been in the area of infinite dimensional representations of real and p-adic groups, analytic and algebraic aspects. Among his accomplishments count the classification of unitary representations for complex classical groups and the spherical dual of split real and p-addictive groups. Joint with David Vogan he has initiated the systematic study of unipotent representations, which according to the original conjectures of Arthur form the building blocks of the residual spectrum of locally symmetric spaces.