The natural flow and the critical exponent

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:2025-01-23 16:00
:海韵园行政楼C503&腾讯会议ID: 826-326-221(无密码)



 点:海韵园行政楼C503&腾讯会议ID: 826-326-221(无密码)


For a complete Riemannian manifold of nonpositive curvature, we introduce a flow. We give an upper bound on the k-Jacobian of the flow in terms of the critical exponent of the fundamental group. We also give several applications connecting the geometry and topology of the manifold, which includes the linear isoperimetric inequality, the homological vanishing theorem and the non-existence of compact complex subvarieties in certain complex hyperbolic manifolds. This is joint work with Chris Connell and Ben McReynolds.


汪湜,上海科技大学数学科学研究所研究员,2016年博士毕业于俄亥俄州立大学,师从Jean Lafont教授,主要从事微分几何、几何拓扑、几何群论与动力系统等方向的研究。在《J. Eur. Math. Soc.》、《Math. Ann.》、《Geom. Topol.》、《Forum Math. Sigma.》和《Comment. Math. Helv.》等期刊发表学术论文10余篇。

