The spectral base and the rigidity of representations of the fundamental group
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:2024-12-31 09:30
时 间:2024年12月31日9:30
地 点:海韵园实验楼S204
The spectral base was introduced by Tsao-Hsien Chen and Bao Chau Ngô to study the Hitchin map over higher dimensional base manifolds. In this talk, I will start with a brief introduction to the non-abelian Hodge theory and the Hitchin map, and then the relation between the rigidity and the spectral base will be discussed. Finally, I will present an application to the locally symmetric spaces, which allows us to recover Margulis` rigidity result for cocompact lattices. This is joint work with Siqi He and Ngaiming Mok.
刘杰,中国科学院数学研究所副研究员;2018年博士毕业于法国蓝色海岸大学(Université Cote d’Azur),之后在晨兴数学中心进行博士后研究,从2020年开始为中国科学院助理研究员、副研究员。刘杰的研究领域是复代数几何与复几何,特别是在代数几何中的正性、Fano簇、有理曲线、全纯叶层化等问题的研究中,取得了突出的成果,论文发表在J. Reine Angew. Math., Math. Ann., Proceedings LMS等杂志。