Seminar on Discrete Mathematics: Generating Functions and Counting Formulas for Spanning Trees and Forests in Hypergraphs

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:2024-01-09 14:30





In this talk, we provide generating functions and counting formulas for spanning trees and spanning forests in hypergraphs in two different ways: (1) We represent spanning trees and spanning forests in hypergraphs through Berezin-Grassmann integrals on Zeon algebra and hyper-Hafnians (orders and signs are not considered); (2) We establish a Hyper-PfaffianCactus Spanning Forest Theorem through Berezin-Grassmann integrals on Grassmann algebra (orders and signs are considered), which generalizes the Hyper-Pfaffian-Cactus Theorem by Abdesselam [Advances in Applied Mathematics (2004) Vol. 33: 51-70] and Pfaffian matrix tree theorem by Masbaum and Vaintrob [Internat. Math. Res. Notices (2002) Vol. 27: 1397-1426] 


刘九强,美国东密歇根大学数学系终身教授、贵州财经大学教授。现主要从事图论与组合设计和合作博弈的研究工作,有多篇论文发表在国际著名学术期刊J. Combin. Theory, Ser. AJ. Combin. Theory, Ser. B上。在模糊博弈及竞争均衡方面做了一些基础性的工作,有多篇论文发表在Inter. J. Game TheoryFuzzy Set and SystemsJ. Math. Economics上。
