Geometric analysis on Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below

  • A+

:Wang Xiaodong (Michigan State University)
:2024-06-03 ——2024-06-07

1.主讲人  Speaker

Prof. Wang Xiaodong (Michigan State University)

2. 短课程介绍  Introduction

I plan to discuss some topics on geometric analysis on Riemannian manifolds involving the Ricci curvature. I will first present some background material. Then I will  introduce a family of geometric PDEs for understanding type I Yamabe invariant and discuss some existence and uniqueness results as well as their geometric consequences. At the end, I will talk about the analogous problem for type II Yamabe invariant, which is still open, and discuss some partial results.


3. 授课时间  Schedule 

06/03, 14:30-17:00 pm

06/05, 14:30-17:00 pm

06/07, 09:00-11:30 am


4. 授课地点 Place


Room 106 at Experiment Building at Haiyun Campus


5. 联系人 Contact
