Normality of Nilpotent Varieties and Quantization

  • A+

:2022-12-01 15:00


时  间:121日下午15:00-16:30

地  点:腾讯会议ID685-688-558(无密码)


Let G be a complex classical group treated as a real group. For any nilpotent varieties (Zariski closure of nilpotent orbits) of G, Ranee Brylinski constructed a Dixmier algebra whose K-spectrum matches with its ring of regular functions.

In this talk, we will investigate and understand Brylinski's model using (i) Howe's dual pair correspondence, (ii) deformation quantization of nilpotent orbits by Losev-Mason-Brown-Matvieievski, and (iii) singularities of nilpotent varieties, resulting in a better understanding on the (non)-normality of these varieties. Under this perspective, we give a conjecture on the structure of regular functions for non-normal exceptional nilpotent varieties with branched singularities.

This is a joint work with Dan Barbasch.


黄家裕现于香港中文大学(深圳)任职助理教授。他在2003年取得李兆基奖学金,在英国牛津大学华顿学院取得数学硕士学位,其后于美国康奈尔大学获得博士学位,并在香港科技大学从事博士后工作。他的研究方向为李群及李代数的表示论,以及它们跟量子化的关系。研究成果在Adv. Math., J. Algebra, Transform. Group, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Represent. Theory等期刊上发表

