Twisted/untwisted correspondence in permutation orbifold conformal field theory

  • A+

:2022-07-04 15:00


时  间:74日下午15:00

地  点:腾讯会议ID626-540-700(无密码)


Let G be a finite subgroup of the symmetric group S_n acting by permutation on U, the tensor product $V^{\otimes n}$ of n identical VOAs $V$. Due to Barron-Dong-Mason, one can construct G-twisted modules of U from untwisted V-modules. In this talk, we extend this to the construction of genus-0 conformal blocks (i.e. intertwining operators) associated to G-twisted U-modules from possibly higher genus conformal blocks associated to untwisted V-modules. The genus can be explicitly calculated using Riemann-Hurwitz formula. As an application, when V is CFT-type, rational, and C_2 cofinite, the fusion rules among G-twisted U-modules are determined in terms of those among untwisted V-modules.

Reference: arXiv:2111.04662


归斌,清华大学丘成桐数学中心助理教授。20188月在Vanderbilt University获得博士学位。2018-2021Rutgers University做博士后。主要研究兴趣为顶点算子代数,以及与其相关的泛函分析与算子代数、张量范畴等问题。研究成果发表在《Communications in Mathematical Physics, Transactions of AMS, International Mathematics Research Notices》等国际期刊。

