Entropy numbers and Marcinkiewicz-type discretization

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:2021-08-16 10:00
:腾讯会议 ID:594 580 961(无密码)


时  间:816日上午10:00

地  点:腾讯会议 ID:594 580 961(无密码)


This is a joint work with A. Prymak, A. Shadrin, V. N. Temlyakov, and S. Tikhonov. In this talk I will discuss the behavior of the entropy numbers of classes of functions with bounded integral norms from a given finite dimensional linear subspace.  Upper bounds of these entropy numbers in the uniform norm are obtained and applied to establish a Marcinkiewicz-type discretization result for these classes.


戴峰教授为加拿大Alberta大学数学与统计系教授, 曾获得全国优秀博士论文(2004)及德国洪堡基金(2012)。主要研究方向为球面上的调和分析及逼近论, 目前共发表学术专著2, 学术论文90多篇,其研究工作先后发表在Adv Math.,  Math. Ann., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,. Constr. Approx. J. Funct. Anal.等国际著名数学杂志上. 目前担任《Journal of Approximation Theory》和《 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics》等杂志编委。

