Brouwer degree for Kazdan-Warner equations on a connected finite graph

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:2021-05-21 14:00
:腾讯会议ID: 773 482 683 无密码(线上)


时  间:521日下午14:00

地  点:腾讯会议ID: 773 482 683 无密码(线上)


We study Kazdan-Warner equations on a connected finite graph via the method of the degree theory. Firstly, we prove that all solutions to the Kazdan-Warner equation with nonzero prescribed function are uniformly bounded and the Brouwer degree is well defined. Secondly, we compute the Brouwer degree case by case. As consequences, we give new proofs of some known existence results for the Kazdan-Warner equation on a connected finite graph.


孙林林,武汉大学数学与统计学院特聘副研究员,湖北省2020年度楚天学者计划楚天学子入选者,主要主要从事几何流、 子流形的几何与拓扑等方面的研究 ,在JEMS, JDE, CVPDE, Math. Z等杂志上发表论文十余篇。

