短课程Short course: Numerical characterization of the hard Lefschetz classes

  • A+

:肖建 (清华大学)
:2024-08-01 ——2024-08-07

1. 授课专家  Instructor

肖建 (清华大学)

2. 短课程介绍 Introduction

题目:Numerical characterization of the hard Lefschetz classes

摘要:We give an overview on recent progress on the numerical characterization of the hard Lefschetz classes. During the lectures, the following topics will be discussed: positivity in algebraic geometry, the extremals of geometric inequalities, Lorentzian polynomials and combinatorial poset inequalities.



Branden-Huh: Lorentzian polynomials. Ann. of Math. (2) 192 (2020), no. 3, 821–891.


de Cataldo-Migliorini: The hard Lefschetz theorem and the topology of semismall maps. Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4) 35 (2002), no. 5, 759–772.


Hu-Xiao: Numerical characterization of the hard Lefschetz classes of dimension two. arXiv:2309.05008


Shenfeld-van Handel: The extremals of the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality for convex polytopes. Acta Math. 231 (2023), no. 1, 89 - 204.


3. 授课时间  Schedule


82(周五) 下午14:30-17:00

85(周一) 上午09:30-12:00

86(周二) 上午09:30-12:00


4. 授课地点



5. 其他事项
