短课程Vertex operator algebras and tensor categories

  • A+

:Yi-Zhi Huang (Rutgers University)
:2024-07-02 ——2024-07-05

1.主讲人 Speaker

Prof. Yi-Zhi Huang (Rutgers University)


2.短课程介绍 Introduction

Two-dimensional conformal field theory can be studied using the representation theory of vertex operator algebras. Suitable module categories for suitable vertex operator algebras have structures of vertex tensor categories. These vertex tensor categories give braided tensor categories and, when the vertex operator algebras satisfy strong conditions, give modular tensor categories. In these lectures, I will give an overview of the construction of these vertex tensor categories, braided tensor categories and modular tensor categories. I will also discuss conjectures and a long term program on G-braided G-crossed tensor categories of g-twisted V-modules for a vertex operator algebra V and g in a subgroup G of the automorphism group of V.


3.授课时间  Schedule 


09:30-12:00 am

Lecture 1: Vertex operator algebras, modules and intertwining


09:30-12:00 am

Lecture 2: Tensor product bifunctors, associativity isomorphisms
and braided tensor category structures


09:30-12:00 am

Lecture 3: Modular invariance and Verlinde formula


09:30-12:00 am

Lecture 4: Rigidity, nondegeneracy property and modular tensor categeory structures


4.授课地点 Place


Room 105 at Experiment Building at Haiyun Campus


5.联系人 Contact
