A central notion in Functional Analysis

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:Matias Raja(西班牙穆尔西亚大学)
:2025-01-15 15:00

报告人:Matias Raja西班牙穆尔西亚大学




This talk is devoted to super weak compactness (SWC for short, either the name or the adjetive). We claim that SWC and related notions are not artificious, rather SWC is a property that has been somehow hidden since the beginnings of Banach space theory. It is worth noting that a few particular manifestations of SWC have already received some uneven attention, namely: super-reflexive Banach spaces, super weakly compact operators and uniformly weakly convergence. We will make a tour around SWC covering the history, the properties and, overall, the applications, that will reveal the transversality of this notion in Functional Analysis: geometry of Banach spaces, operator theory, optimization, approximation, ergodic and fixed point theory, non-separable theory and general topology. We will also discuss some possible new lines of research and open problems.


Matias Raja,西班牙穆尔西亚大学教授。主要从事泛函分析及其应用方面的工作,并在一般拓扑学、集合论和凸分析方面有深入研究。他开发了再赋范的全新技术,由此给出了各种范数特征的精确刻画,建立了一系列范数的定量化特征,也给出凸集和凸函数的一些定量化特征,特别研究了诸如Namioka-Phelps、超弱紧等几类紧性集合,已在 Adv.Math.、J. Funct. Anal.、Israel J Math.等国际期刊发表论文40多篇。

