I:An introduction to the representation theory of p-adic groups II:On Lusztig’s local Langlands correspondence and functoriality

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:Emile Okada(National University of Singapore)
: 2025-01-08 16:30
:Conference Room S106 at Experiment Building at Haiyun Campus

Speaker:Emile Okada(National University of Singapore)

Time:2025-1-8, 16:30 & 2025-1-9, 10:30

Location:Conference Room S106 at Experiment Building at Haiyun Campus


I: In this introductory talk I will give a basic introduction to the representation theory of p-adic groups and its importance to number theory. The aim will to be provide background and motivation for my second talk on the local Langlands correspondence.

II: In 95 Lusztig gave a local Langlands correspondence for unramified representations of inner-to-split adjoint groups combining many deep results from type theory and geometric representation theory. In this talk I will present an equivariant reformulation of his construction revealing some interesting new structures, and with a view toward proving functoriality results in this framework.