Generalized BSD-conjectures for Rankin--Selberg motives

  • A+

:Yichao Tian (Academy of Mathematics Systems Science, CAS)
: 2024-10-21 10:00
:Conference Room C503 at Administration Building at Haiyun Campus

Speaker:Yichao Tian (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS)

Time:2024-10-21, 10:00

Location:Conference Room C503 at Administration Building at Haiyun Campus


The celebrated BSD-conjecture predicts deep relations between the rational points of an elliptic curve over Q and its Hasse-Weil L-function. In this talk, I will first start with an introduction to the BSD conjecture. Then I will explain Bloch--Katos generalization of BSD for more general geometric objects, and discuss some of my recent joint work with Yifeng Liu and Liang Xiao towards it for Rankin--Selberg motives.